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Vampires Season
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Seasons Of The Vampire
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Many Religions- But, Only One "God
Mood:  amorous
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There are now many branches & sub-branches of Wicca, just like there are many branches of the "Baptist, Methodist, Unitarian, Catholic & all of these branches have at least one quasi-branch that is considered esoteric or mystical. Take the Sufi's for example; most folks didn't know that "Sufism is the mystical side of Islam & of course - to every branch there is a branch that is considered to be hard-nose fundamentalist.

Every one of these religions from the liberals to all the hard-core fundamentalist have one thing in common; the God/goddess they serve has thousands of names & every one of those names are just simply "attributes of the one true God...or God/goddess. Even individuals have tons of attributes. One of those is "mother, another one is father, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, friend.

As much as all the fundamentalist hate to hear it- we, me, you & they are all connected & related to each- other from the lowest to the highest level of all consciousness & "YES- there will always be conflicts between every religion- even though we are all relatedto the very same heavenly creator that we so often, metamorphicly call "God...:)

The word "God only means; deity" which can be anything that is dead or alive or anything/anywhere in between. Any (religion) will always eventually lead you to the very same alter found in heaven & within the human heart- this includes religions that buffer on dark & sinister type practices.




Posted by lonniecraig at 1:26 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 September 2010 12:29 PM EDT
Many Religions- But, Only One "God
Mood:  amorous

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There are now many branches & sub-branches of Wicca, just like there are many branches of the "Baptist, Methodist, Unitarian, Catholic & all of these branches have at least one quasi-branch that is considered esoteric or mystical. Take the Sufi's for example; most folks didn't know that "Sufism is the mystical side of Islam & of course - to every branch there is a branch that is considered to be hard-nose fundamentalist.

Every one of these religions from the liberals to all the hard-core fundamentalist have one thing in common; the God/goddess they serve has thousands of names & every one of those names are just simply "attributes of the one true God...or God/goddess. Even individuals have tons of attributes. One of those is "mother, another one is father, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, friend.

As much as all the fundamentalist hate to hear it- we, me, you & they are all connected & related to each- other from the lowest to the highest level of all consciousness & "YES- there will always be conflicts between every religion- even though we are all relatedto the very same heavenly creator that we so often, metamorphicly call "God...:)

The word "God only means; deity" which can be anything that is dead or alive or anything/anywhere in between. Any (religion) will always eventually lead you to the very same alter found in heaven & within the human heart- this includes religions that buffer on dark & sinister type practices.




Posted by lonniecraig at 1:26 PM EDT
Many Religions- But, Only One "God
Mood:  amorous

Now featured in;


There are now many branches & sub-branches of Wicca, just like there are many branches of the "Baptist, Methodist, Unitarian, Catholic & all of these branches have at least one quasi-branch that is considered esoteric or mystical. Take the Sufi's for example; most folks didn't know that "Sufism is the mystical side of Islam & of course - to every branch there is a branch that is considered to be hard-nose fundamentalist.

Every one of these religions from the liberals to all the hard-core fundamentalist have one thing in common; the God/goddess they serve has thousands of names & every one of those names are just simply "attributes of the one true God...or God/goddess. Even individuals have tons of attributes. One of those is "mother, another one is father, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, friend.

As much as all the fundamentalist hate to hear it- we, me, you & they are all connected & related to each- other from the lowest to the highest level of all consciousness & "YES- there will always be conflicts between every religion- even though we are all relatedto the very same heavenly creator that we so often, metamorphicly call "God...:)

The word "God only means; deity" which can be anything that is dead or alive or anything/anywhere in between. Any (religion) will always eventually lead you to the very same alter found in heaven & within the human heart- this includes religions that buffer on dark & sinister type practices.




Posted by lonniecraig at 1:26 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 August 2010 1:30 PM EDT
Friday, 19 June 2009
Seasons Of The Vampire
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Seasons Of The Vampire
Topic: Vampires Season

Welcome To My World,

Wisdom of the Vampires;


In my world- every day is the season for the Vampire. We have always been around prior to common man-kind, so get used to it. For those of us you manage to kill- we always return thru the nearest new-born who is Predisposed unto vengeance against those who would attempt to disrupt our common way of life- For God Kills indiscriminately...and, so shall we all do likewise for we can be nothing greater than what we truly are.


You can change the color of the Leopard- but its still a (Leopard)...You can change the color of "the viper Snake"- but it’s still a snake. People are much the same way. People can be taught to act "differently" Under given circumstance- but they are still (people) & often drop the act under certain circumstance that Forces them to show their inner beast. When this happens; their flight/or fight response takes over. Animals contain this very same inner beast, which every human-animal are always born with...!


In humor, it was once said; you can put lipstick on a pig- and its still "just a pig". The simple truth of This may be rough & even harsh-but some folks think that this simple truth can be changed thru "religious experience" or going on a sabbatical to a high remote mountain for 1-2-12 & 20 years or just going to remote Deserts in order to find "God".


People are natural born actors & can even act out their "religious" bound illusion for 30-60 years or more- Only as long as their circumstance acts as a (comfort-zone) for them... "But, once you (remove) that comfort zone just long enough, you will eventually see a great difference in the subject’s Religious ways. In some cases, the people in question expire or die before they have a chance to mirror their "dark sides" or "true self"


Anyone can act like a "Saint"- ...But only do so, as long as their personal comfort-zone goes unchallenged... The biblical story of Jobe was never proven as (valid) - Yet, even according to Our current (KJV) forgery- If you carefully go thru the whole story, you will see that even Jobe Was nowhere near to being any kind of (living Saint)...


By; LonnieCraig,

Creator & Publisher of;

Craigs Underground Press


Posted by lonniecraig at 12:27 PM EDT

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